Support Us!

We love providing our viewers with quality video tuition at no charge. It’s our way of giving back to the community and saying thanks for everyone who helped us when we were starting out on our lawn journey!

Nonetheless, viewers regularly ask how they can support the channel, which is awesome because the costs to run the site and store vast amounts of video footage do unfortunately add up.

Subscribing to the channel in YouTube is always the best option–and it doesn’t cost anything! If you’re not already a subscriber, please consider subscribing now–we’ll wait!

Making videos and running a web site does cost money and advertising revenue from YouTube is pretty meagre.

If you’d like to help us out, here are several options for you to consider!

Buy Merch

Support the channel and get something back in return! We’ve put together a couple of fun products we think you’ll like over on the Merch page.

Become a Member

We’ve setup several tiers on Patreon where you can effectively become a patron of the channel through a recurring donation. All tiers also give you something in return for your support and are a really cool way to gain special member privileges and get involved with our work.

Send a Tip!

We know how amazing and generous our viewers are. And we love tips!

Just want to say thanks? Send a us a tip through YouTube or PayPal ❤️


Are you a fellow YouTube creator? Do you make or sell products our viewers might be interested in?

If you’d like collaborate on a video or a series please feel free to contact us.