
Welcome to Love Larn, it’s great to have you here! Join us as we look at all things lawn and equipment related.

Hi, I’m your host Michael and I love larn… er, lawn!

Lawn + Learn = Larn

I’m your typical, middle-aged dad with an interest in growing lawn and the machinery to maintain it to a high standard. I’m not a lawncare professional and my mechanical experience is very limited. I previously worked in IT as a software engineer/web developer/project manager and my physical abilities are laregly focused on woodworking.

But I love learning new things and I always learn best by sharing and teaching!

“Love Larn” is a play on words, with “Larn” being a dialect of the word “learn” while simultaneously referencing the Aussie pronuciation of the word “lawn”. I love lawn and I love to learn about lawn!

I started the Love Larn YouTube channel in 2018 to supplement what was then a meagre set of online video tuition pertaining, specifically, to rebuilding Scott Bonnar cylinder mowers. The few videos that were available were full of helpful information but the lighting wasn’t great, the video quality was low, and I couldn’t see all the details I was looking for. With my first two Scott Bonnar 45 builds underway, I thought I’d switch on the camera in full high def to document and share my experience and hopefully extend the body of knowledge in video form.

Thus was born the channel and the Scott Bonnar 45 Walkthrough, Teardown, and Rebuild series.

The web site is an extension of the YouTube channel and is intended to offer in text and graphical form what we can’t include in the description of each video.

It’s also intended as another opportunity to engage with our viewers and I hope you find it useful.